A Louisiana-based film production company, "Stellarblade," has filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Sony and Shift Up, the developer of the PS5 game Stellar Blade. The suit alleges that Stellar Blade's use of a similar name and logo has caused damage to Stellarblade's business.
The plaintiff, Griffith Chambers Mehaffey, claims that the similarity between the names and logos ("confusingly similar," according to the suit) hinders Stellarblade's online visibility, making it difficult for potential clients to find their film production services. He registered the "Stellarblade" trademark in June 2023, after sending a cease and desist letter to Shift Up the previous month. However, Shift Up registered the "Stellar Blade" trademark in January 2023, while the game was initially known as "Project Eve" since 2019.
Mehaffey's legal team argues that Sony and Shift Up should have been aware of his pre-existing trademark rights. They contend that the defendants' actions have pushed Stellarblade into "digital obscurity," threatening Mehaffey's business, which has operated since 2011 and owned the stellarblade.com domain since 2006. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages, attorney fees, an injunction preventing further use of the "Stellar Blade" trademark, and the destruction of all related materials.
The case highlights the complexities of trademark law, particularly the retroactive application of trademark rights. While Shift Up registered their trademark earlier, the plaintiff's prior use and domain ownership are central to their argument.
The outcome of this lawsuit will be closely watched by the gaming and film industries, offering a significant case study on trademark disputes between established businesses and newer entrants.