In an exciting development for 2025, Blizzard Entertainment has announced the introduction of a much-anticipated housing system in World of Warcraft. The developers have assured fans that this new feature will be accessible to all players, eliminating complex requirements, exorbitant prices, or the need for lotteries. Importantly, players will not lose their homes due to a lapsed subscription. The full rollout of this housing content is slated for the upcoming Midnight expansion.
Upon launch, players will have the opportunity to select their plot in one of two distinct zones: for the Alliance, in Elwynn Forest with influences from Westfall and Duskwood, or for the Horde, in Durotar with elements from Azshara and the Durotar coastline. Each zone will be segmented into districts, housing around 50 homes per district. Players can opt to establish their homes in open areas or within private communities alongside friends and guildmates.
Blizzard is committed to providing a diverse range of decoration options for home customization. Most of these options will be accessible in-game, with some exclusive items available through the in-game shop. The housing system is designed with three core principles in mind: extensive customization, fostering social interactions, and ensuring longevity of the feature.
Looking ahead, Blizzard plans to reveal more details about the housing system. In the meantime, they encourage the World of Warcraft community to share their feedback and ideas on this exciting new addition.