This year's Pokémon Sleep winter holiday event brings two adorable new Pokémon: Eevee in a Santa hat, Pawmi, and Alolan Vulpix! Let's dive into how to catch them.
Pawmi and Alolan Vulpix Debut in Pokémon Sleep
The holiday event, featuring boosted Dream Shard acquisition, runs the week of December 23rd, 2024. Pawmi and Alolan Vulpix will become available starting at 3 PM on December 23rd. Shiny versions will also be available.
Catching Pawmi
Pawmi, along with its evolutions Pawmo and Pawmot (Snoozing sleep type), appears on Greengrass Isle, Snowdrop Tundra, and Old Gold Power Plant. Your chances are significantly higher during the event. A Snoozing sleep type (a common, light sleep) will maximize your encounter rate. A Balanced sleep type also offers a chance, but the odds are lower.
Catching Alolan Vulpix
Alolan Vulpix (and its evolution, Alolan Ninetails – Slumbering sleep type) is more elusive, appearing only on Snowdrop Tundra. To encounter them, aim for a Slumbering sleep type (requiring a deep, 8+ hour sleep). While a Balanced sleep type offers a small chance, it's less likely.
Best Island for the Event: Snowdrop Tundra
To maximize your chances of catching both Pawmi and Alolan Vulpix, focus your efforts on Snowdrop Tundra. However, be aware that Snowdrop Tundra often requires a stronger team, so preparation is recommended.
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