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Infinity Nikki 在新視頻中展示了幕後花絮

作者 : Zoe Dec 10,2024
                Infinity Nikki is only nine days from launch, and a new behind-the-scenes video has been released
                The dress-up title turned open-world RPG is the biggest entry yet in the franchise
                And this new video gives us an idea of the development of it from concept to (near) release

If there's one new release that's extremely anticipated over here at Pocket Gamer towers, it's Infinity Nikki. And can you blame us? The marketing blitz for this dress-up adventure turned open-world RPG has even the most cynical of us curious. Not to mention all the teasers, with the latest being a newly-debuted behind-the-scenes video.

截至撰寫本文時,距發布僅剩 9 天,Infinity Nikki 的幕後視頻讓我們從最早的迭代和概念一直到這個 IP 中的最新作品的概述到最新的信息。這包括一般概念、圖形、遊戲玩法,甚至音樂。

不難看出為什麼這段視頻會被傳播,因為它是 Infinity Nikki 大規模營銷活動的一部分。當然,這個 IP 已經存在了一段時間,但這個最新的高保真條目似乎比以往任何時候都更致力於將 Nikki 推向公眾意識。



就我個人而言,我認為從概念的角度來看,《Infinity Nikki》非常有趣。雖然用某種高動作戰鬥元素或其他角色扮演遊戲功能來擴展 Nikki 很容易,但《Infinity Nikki》背後的工作室似乎致力於保持該係列平易近人、近乎可愛和無害的本質。

