Relic Entertainment, the studio behind Company of Heroes , is venturing into a new strategic territory with Earth vs. Mars , a smaller-scale, turn-based strategy game slated for a PC (Steam) release this summer.當您通過利用剪接 - O-tron的力量來捍衛地球免受火星入侵時,為行星際攤牌做準備,這是一種能夠創造出奇異而強大的生物人類混合動力的裝置。 Imagine commanding a Squirrel-Cow or a Human-Rhino against the Martian horde!遊戲玩法從經典的任天堂DS冠軍“ Advance Wars”中汲取了靈感。
敘事以令人驚訝的轉折發展:火星人幾十年來一直秘密地訪問地球,綁架了人類和動物,以收穫其原子本質。 Now, their full-scale invasion is upon us, and a ragtag group of commanders must lead Earth's resistance.球員將在拼命的生存鬥爭中對地球的軍事力量對抗高級火星碟,墳墓和精英外星戰士。
地球與火星 - 首次屏幕截圖
Earth vs. Mars提供了一個強大的單人遊戲活動,擁有30多個任務,在線多人遊戲,您可以指揮地球或火星部隊,VS模式,用於測試您對AI的技能,以及地圖編輯器,以實現無休止的可重播性。
“We're thrilled to put a Relic spin on the Advance Wars style of gameplay,” says Relic CEO Justin Dowdeswell. “We're infusing our signature Relic DNA while also drawing inspiration from some of our earlier titles. This marks a new strategy for Relic Entertainment.除了我們的傳統RTS遊戲外,我們將開發較小的獨立遊戲,以更頻繁地探索新的子類型,創造性地進行實驗和發布遊戲。” Add Earth vs. Mars to your Steam wishlist today!