Following in the footsteps of Hawkeye and Kate Bishop, Captain America finds himself somewhat overshadowed by his successor, Sam Wilson, who takes center stage in *Marvel Snap*'s February 2025 season. Let's dive into the best Sam Wilson Captain America decks.
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How Sam Wilson Captain America Works in Marvel Snap | Best Sam Wilson Captain America Decks in Marvel Snap | Is Sam Wilson Captain America Worth Buying the Season Pass?
How Sam Wilson Captain America Works in Marvel Snap
Sam Wilson Captain America is a 2-cost, 3-power card with the ability: “Game Start: Add Cap’s Shield to a random location. Ongoing: You can move Cap’s Shield.”
Cap’s Shield is a 1-cost, 1-power card with the ability: “Ongoing: This can’t be destroyed. Give your Cap +2 Power when this moves to Cap’s location.”
The intentionally vague wording regarding which Captain America it buffs is key – it boosts both Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers versions by 2 power each time the Shield lands in their lane. This allows for exponential scaling, potentially boosting Sam Wilson to 7 power quickly.
Sam Wilson is a complex card, synergizing with 1-cost cards, move cards, and Ongoing decks, even evading Killmonger. However, Red Guardian and Shadow King provide effective counters, negating his buffs.
Best Sam Wilson Captain America Decks in Marvel Snap
Sam Wilson, alongside Hawkeye Kate Bishop, competes for space in the crucial 2-cost slot of many decks. He excels in Wiccan decks currently dominating the meta and also fits well in Ongoing Zoo builds. Here's a Wiccan example:
Quicksilver | Fenris Wolf | Hawkeye Kate Bishop | Iron Patriot | Sam Wilson Captain America | Red Guardian | Rocket Raccoon and Groot | Gladiator | Shang-Chi | Enchantress | Wiccan | Alioth [Click here to copy this list from Untapped.]
This deck features several Series 5 cards: Fenris Wolf, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Iron Patriot, Red Guardian, Rocket Raccoon and Groot, Wiccan, and Alioth. If you lack these Series 5 cards (Fenris Wolf, Wiccan, and Alioth are essential), this deck isn't feasible. Consider substituting Red Guardian and Rocket Raccoon & Groot with other 3-cost cards like Cosmo, Mobius M. Mobius, or Galactus’ Daughter.
This deck requires strategic play, focusing on countering your opponent after deploying Wiccan. Prioritizing turns is crucial, as dropping priority allows for multi-card Enchantress or Shang-Chi plays, while maintaining priority enables Alioth snipes.
Sam Wilson provides a strong 2-cost card that scales quickly and offers lane control flexibility.
Alternatively, Sam Wilson integrates well into Spectrum Zoo lists. Here’s an example:
Ant-Man | Squirrel Girl | Dazzler | Hawkeye Kate Bishop | Sam Wilson Captain America | Marvel Boy | Captain America | Caiera | Shanna the She-Devil | Kazar | Blue Marvel | Spectrum [Click here to copy this list from Untapped.]
Series 5 cards in this list include Hawkeye Kate Bishop, Marvel Boy, Caiera, and Gilgamesh. Marvel Boy and Caiera are crucial. Consider swapping in other Zoo-synergistic cards like Nico Minoru, Cosmo, Gilgamesh, and Mockingbird.
While Zoo decks have slightly fallen out of the meta, they remain viable. Marvel Boy alone can win games with Squirrel Girl, but Caiera is highly recommended given the prevalence of Killmonger in current mill-style decks.
Sam Wilson adds flexibility, and Cap’s Shield receives significant boosts from Kazar, Blue Marvel, and Spectrum, resulting in a powerful 5-power, 1-cost card that further enhances Sam Wilson and other Ongoing cards.
Is Sam Wilson Captain America Worth Buying the Season Pass?
For Zoo deck enthusiasts, Sam Wilson is a worthwhile addition at the $9.99 season pass price. However, if you don't prefer Zoo decks, many other strong 2-cost cards (Jeff, Iron Patriot, Hawkeye Kate Bishop, etc.) can replace him in most meta decks. If you’re hesitant to spend money on Marvel Snap, skipping Sam Wilson is understandable.
These are some of the best Sam Wilson Captain America decks in Marvel Snap.
Marvel Snap is available now.