Doukutsu Penguin Club's upcoming 3D adventure game, A Tiny Wander, promises a unique and calming experience. Scheduled for a 2025 PC release, with a potential mobile launch, the game casts players as Buu, an anthropomorphic pig on a peculiar package delivery mission.
His journey takes him through the ominously named "Forest of No Return." Buu's nighttime trek involves navigating the forest, interacting with fellow travelers, setting up camp, and even offering refreshments. Beyond the delivery, Buu must unravel the mystery surrounding the Moon Mansion's enigmatic master.
A Serene Forest Adventure
A Tiny Wander boasts a delightfully quirky premise. While the title hints at a potentially unsettling journey, the game avoids horror tropes, instead focusing on a peaceful, exploration-driven gameplay experience.
Currently confirmed for Steam in 2025, a mobile port is still under consideration. A mobile release would be a welcome addition, offering a relaxing escape after the holiday season.
In the meantime, check out our curated list of the best relaxing games available for iOS and Android!