Despite Katsuhiro Harada, Tekken series director, having a long-standing desire to include Colonel Sanders in the game – a dream he's held for years – it's not happening, according to Harada himself. His proposal has been rejected, not only by KFC, but also by his own superiors.
Harada's Colonel Sanders Tekken Bid Rejected
Internal and External Obstacles
Harada's ambition to feature the iconic KFC mascot, Colonel Sanders, as a fighter in the Tekken franchise has been thwarted. In a recent interview, he revealed that both KFC and his own team leadership have declined his request. He attempted to secure permission directly from KFC's Japanese headquarters, but his efforts proved unsuccessful.
This isn't a new revelation; Harada previously expressed his desire for a Tekken/KFC crossover on his YouTube channel. His disappointment was palpable, describing the rejection as receiving "a bad look." Therefore, a Tekken 8 crossover with KFC is highly unlikely in the near future.
Game designer Michael Murray elaborated on Harada's interactions with KFC, stating that the company wasn't receptive to the idea. He speculated that the potential conflict of having Colonel Sanders fight might have been a contributing factor. The experience highlights the complexities involved in securing such collaborations.
Harada has openly stated his dream of including Colonel Sanders in Tekken, even outlining a well-developed concept with Director Ikeda. However, KFC's marketing department deemed it an unpopular choice among players, leading to consistent resistance from all sides. Harada even issued a public plea in the interview, urging KFC to reconsider.
The Tekken franchise has successfully incorporated several surprising guest characters, including Akuma (Street Fighter), Noctis (Final Fantasy), and Negan (The Walking Dead). Despite this track record, Harada's aspirations for a Waffle House crossover also appear improbable, citing the inherent difficulties in securing such collaborations. However, fans can anticipate the return of Heihachi Mishima as the game's third DLC character.