Rumah Berita Sid Meier's Railroads! Free Trial Now Available

Sid Meier's Railroads! Free Trial Now Available

Pengarang : Audrey Nov 25,2024

Sid Meier

Feral Interactive has just made it easier for you to play Sid Meier’s Railroads! by rolling out a Try Before You Buy option on Android. Usually available for $12.99, you can now try this railway tycoon game out for free first.Here’s What Sid Meier’s Railroads! Offers (Usually)The entire game includes 16 scenarios and 40 real-world engines. It also has a Train Table Mode which lets you kick back and build without worrying about competition, time limits or finances.Sid Meier’s Railroads! also grants you access to some of the most iconic trains in history. And that includes early steam engines like Stephenson’s Planet and the modern French TGV.There are a lot of places to explore as well. You start with the Southwest US and then expand beyond the Gold Rush to new regions and historical moments. From establishing the first passenger line in 1830s Britain to helping Santa at the North Pole, there is tons of variety in terms of scenarios.Ultimately, there’s a lot to do for players who love railway simulators or any sim game for that matter. From optimising routes for profit to just watching your trains chug along in Train Table Mode.What Do You Get In The Demo Version?With the new Sid Meier’s Railroads! demo, you can play through the first 20 years of the Southwest US scenario. It’s set during the California Gold Rush, where the competition is fierce as you battle industrial giants. You’ll be laying down tracks, linking cities and investing in industries while trying to build the ultimate railway empire.Catch a glimpse of the Try Before You Buy update of Sid Meier’s Railroads!

So, grab the free version from the Google Play Store and see if the game’s right up your alley. Also, read our scoop on The Battle Cats 10th Anniversary where you can become A CIA Agent And Tackle Mission Impawsible!