To snag a Ditto in *Pokémon GO*, you first need to know its current disguises. This shape-shifting Pokémon has been a challenge for years, its ability to mimic other creatures rivaled only by Pokémon like Zorua.
While Ditto's disguises change, we've got the latest list for you.
Pokémon GO Ditto Disguises (March 2025)

As of March 2025, Ditto disguises include Bergmite, Bidoof, Goldeen, Gothita, Koffing, Numel, Oddish, Rhyhorn, Solosis, Spinarak, and Stufful (see image above). Catching any of these common spawns could reveal a hidden Ditto.
After catching a disguised Ditto, it transforms before the catch screen, revealing its true form. You'll know you've caught a Ditto when you see an "Oh?" pop up above your Poké Ball.
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How Rare Is Ditto in Pokémon GO?
Even knowing its disguises, Ditto remains rare. However, there's a clue: Ditto's CP (Combat Power) is usually lower than the Pokémon it's disguised as. For example, at Trainer Level 50, Ditto might have a max CP of around 940, while Goldeen's max CP is approximately 1302. Look for lower-than-expected CP to increase your chances.
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How Rare Is a Shiny Ditto in Pokémon GO?

Any wild Ditto has a 1/64 chance of being Shiny, making it incredibly rare. Finding a Shiny Ditto requires both luck in encountering a Ditto and extra luck for the Shiny variation.
Incense and Lure Modules can boost your chances by increasing overall spawns. Even without spending PokéCoins, your Daily Adventure Incense provides a short boost.
Now that you know Ditto's March 2025 disguises, use the latest *Pokémon GO* promo codes for free items. And while you're at it, find out if you can evolve Dunsparce in *Pokémon GO* to add another evolution to your Pokédex!