Home News Minecraft Mob Annihilation Guide

Minecraft Mob Annihilation Guide

Author : Michael Feb 19,2025

Mastering the Minecraft Mob-Killing Commands: A Comprehensive Guide

There are many reasons why you might want to eliminate mobs in Minecraft. The most efficient method is using commands, specifically the /kill command. However, even this seemingly simple command has nuances. This guide explains how to use it effectively.

Before You Begin: Enabling Cheats

The /kill command requires a world with cheats enabled. If cheats aren't already activated, follow these instructions:

Java Edition:

  1. Enter your world.
  2. Press Esc.
  3. Select "Open to LAN."
  4. Toggle "Allow Commands" to "On."

Remember, this enables cheats only for that session. To permanently enable cheats, create a copy of your world with cheats enabled during world creation.

Minecrafr Open to Lan Screen  Java Edition

Bedrock Edition:

  1. Locate your worlds.
  2. Select the world you want to modify.
  3. Click the pencil icon.
  4. In the settings menu, toggle "Cheats" to "On."

Minecraft Cheats Screen Bedrock edition as part of an article about how to kill mobs.

Using the /kill Command

The basic /kill command, entered alone, will unfortunately kill you. To target mobs, use specific selectors:

  • Kill all mobs (except the player): /kill @e[type=!minecraft:player] (@e selects all entities; type=!minecraft:player excludes the player.)

  • Kill specific mobs: /kill @e[type=minecraft:chicken] (Replace minecraft:chicken with the desired mob type.)

  • Kill mobs within a radius:

    • Java Edition: /kill @e[distance=..15] (Kills entities within 15 blocks.)
    • Bedrock Edition: /kill @e[r=10] (Kills entities within 10 blocks.)
  • Kill specific mobs within a radius:

    • Java Edition: /kill @e[distance=..15,type=minecraft:sheep]
    • Bedrock Edition: /kill @e[r=10,type=minecraft:sheep]

The game will auto-complete commands, simplifying the process.

Important Selectors:

Familiarize yourself with these selectors:

  • @p: Nearest player
  • @r: Random player
  • @a: All players
  • @e: All entities
  • @s: Yourself

Minecraft is available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices.