Marvel Rivals, dubbed the "Overwatch killer," has enjoyed a spectacularly successful Steam launch, boasting over 444,000 concurrent players on its first day—a number rivaling the population of Miami. However, the game's success isn't without its challenges.
A significant concern among players is the rising number of cheaters exploiting advantages like instant-kill auto-targeting and wall-hacking. Fortunately, community feedback suggests NetEase Games' anti-cheat measures are proving effective in detecting and addressing this issue.
Another key area of player feedback centers on optimization. Some users, particularly those with mid-range graphics cards like the Nvidia GeForce 3050, report noticeable frame rate drops. Despite these performance issues, many players praise the game's enjoyable gameplay and fair monetization system. A particularly positive aspect is the non-expiring nature of battle passes, eliminating the pressure of constant grinding often associated with similar titles. This feature alone could significantly influence player perception and retention.