This guide delves into the enigmatic Dwarf of Stardew Valley, offering insights into befriending this unique character. Unlike other villagers, forging a friendship requires deciphering Dwarvish, a feat achievable by donating all four Dwarf Scrolls to the museum.
Updated January 8, 2024: This guide reflects recent Stardew Valley updates (1.5 and 1.6), impacting NPC friendship mechanics and gift preferences.
Meeting the Dwarf
Locate a large boulder near the Mines' entrance (first floor, right side). Destroy it using a copper pickaxe or a bomb to reveal the Dwarf's hidden shop.
Learning Dwarvish
The Dwarf doesn't speak common tongue. Gifts are ineffective until you obtain the Dwarvish Translation guide from Gunther after donating all four Dwarf Scrolls to the Museum. Afterward, communication becomes possible, and you can begin building a friendship and purchase items.
Gift Guide
Friendship hinges on gift-giving (up to two per week). His birthday (Summer 22nd) multiplies friendship points by eight.
Loved Gifts (+80 friendship points):
- Gemstones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Jade, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald
- Lemon Stone
- Omni Geode
- Lava Eel
- All universally loved gifts
Liked Gifts (+45 friendship points):
- All universally liked gifts
- All Artifacts
- Cave Carrot
- Quartz
Disliked/Hated Gifts (negative friendship points): Avoid these!
- Mushrooms and foraged items
- All universally hated gifts (except Artifacts)
Movie Theater Encounters
Once unlocked, invite the Dwarf to the Movie Theater. He loves all movie selections but is picky about concessions. He loves Stardrop Sorbet and Rock Candy; likes Cotton Candy, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jawbreaker, Salmon Burger, Sour Slimes, and Star Cookie. Other snacks are disliked.