Home News All Ascendancies in Path of Exile 2

All Ascendancies in Path of Exile 2

Author : Madison Feb 19,2025

Path of Exile 2: A Deep Dive into the Ascendancy Classes

Path of Exile 2 presents a vast array of customization options, from skills and items to the crucial choice of Ascendancy Class. Currently in early access, each class boasts two progression paths, with a third planned for the full release. Let's explore the existing Ascendancies!

All AscendanciesImage: ensigame.com

Witch Ascendancy Classes

  • Infernalist: A potent Witch specializing in fire spells and summoning Infernal Hounds. The ability to transform into a demonic form boosts damage and mobility at the cost of increased health consumption. Key passive skills include Loyal Hellhound and Beidat's Will.

InfernalistImage: ensigame.com

  • Blood Mage: A high-risk, high-reward class utilizing Sanguimancy, which replaces mana with health. Skills like Vitality Siphon, Life Remnants, Sunder the Flesh, and Gore Spike are crucial for survival and damage output.

Blood MageImage: ensigame.com

Sorcerer Ascendancy Classes

  • Stormweaver: This Sorcerer unleashes devastating elemental damage with high critical hit chance, utilizing Tempest Caller and Spirit Gems. Key passives include Strike Twice, Constant Gale, and Force of Will. Heart of the Storm offers significant survivability.

StormweaverImage: ensigame.com

  • Chronomancer: A unique class manipulating time with spells like Temporal Rift and Time Freeze. While not currently the strongest, its time-bending abilities offer innovative combat strategies. Key passives include Now and Again, Apex of the Moment, and Quicksand Hourglass.

ChronomancerImage: ensigame.com

Warrior Ascendancy Classes

  • Warbringer: A melee-focused class combining war cries and totems for maximum damage. Passives like Imploding Impacts, Anvil's Weight, Warcaller's Bellow, and Greatwolf's Howl enhance damage and survivability. Renly's Training and Turtle Charm provide defensive options.

WarbringerImage: ensigame.com

  • Titan: A defensive powerhouse utilizing slow, powerful attacks and paralyzing enemies. Stone Skin and Mysterious Lineage boost defenses and health. Earthbreaker, Ancestral Empowerment, and Surprising Strength enhance offensive capabilities.

TitanImage: ensigame.com

Monk Ascendancy Classes

  • Invoker: A melee class utilizing elemental damage and status effects, enhanced by Power Charges.

InvokerImage: ensigame.com

  • Acolyte of Chayula: This class forgoes Spirit for Darkness, offering high survivability but currently hampered by mana leech mechanics.

Acolyte of ChayulaImage: ensigame.com

Mercenary Ascendancy Classes

  • Witchhunter: A powerful class excelling at eliminating demons and undead. Passives like Pitiless Killer, Damage vs Low Life Enemies, Judge, Jury, and Executioner, Witchbane, and No Mercy boost damage and control. Zealous Inquisition adds an explosive element.

WitchhunterImage: ensigame.com

  • Gemling Legionnaire: Gameplay centers around gem utilization, affecting resistances, skill levels, and skill slots. Key passives include Thaumaturgical Infusion, Crystalline Potential, Implanted Gems, Advanced Thaumaturgy, Adaptive Capability, Integrated Efficiency, and Gem Studded.

Gemling LegionnaireImage: ensigame.com

Ranger Ascendancy Classes

  • Deadeye: A ranged combat class focusing on increased range and damage. Endless Munitions adds extra projectiles. Ideal for bow users focusing on elemental damage.

DeadeyeImage: ensigame.com

  • Pathfinder: A poison-focused class dealing massive poison damage. Overwhelming Toxicity doubles poison application but shortens duration. Utilizes gas grenades for area-of-effect poison.

PathfinderImage: ensigame.com

This overview covers the twelve currently available Ascendancy Classes in Path of Exile 2's early access. Remember that additional classes and potential skill adjustments are expected in future updates.