Embark on a new adventure in a mystical world inspired by Journey to the West! A century after the pilgrimage, a captivating tale unfolds. You, the reincarnated "Wordless Scriptures," are called upon to explore a world teeming with immortals and demons. Forge alliances, overcome challenges, and rediscover the breathtaking landscapes and captivating stories of the Three Realms and Four Continents.
Relive Mythology, Reimagined: This epic, million-word narrative breathes new life into familiar characters and locations. Experience pivotal moments from their pasts, and immerse yourself in a world brought to life through intricate voice acting and stunning visuals.
Collect and Strategize: Discover exquisitely illustrated cards, each with unique strengths. Upgrade R-rank cards to UR-rank and build your perfect deck. Experiment with diverse combinations and dominate the battlefield with your dream team. This is a collector's dream, blending beautiful art with strategic depth.
Strategic Depth and Diverse Gameplay: Master faction counters, attribute advantages, and skill synergies. Engage in thrilling PvP arena battles, wage alliance wars, and build your dream home. Explore diverse game modes, including "Journey Once More," "The Past," and a challenging roguelike adventure. Uncover the mysteries and side stories hidden within!
Join the Adventure: Connect with fellow players and stay updated on the latest news and limited-time gifts!
- Official Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/JourneyRenewed.EN
- Customer Service: [email protected]
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