Embark on a chilling journey through the lives of unusual individuals in "The Freaking Travel of Horrible Ghosts"! My extensive travels as a youth exposed me to a diverse cast of characters, some of whom possessed an otherworldly quality. This game compiles several captivating ghost stories from my personal journal. You'll discover that these "special" individuals weren't always so unique; some were kind, others malevolent, mirroring the spectrum of humanity. Consider this: are you absolutely certain everyone you've encountered in your life is truly...real?
Prepare for an hour-long exploration of intriguing narratives. Don't let fear hold you back; simply savor the tales.
Gameplay: Swipe left to move your avatar, swipe right to steer.
Game Features:
- High-quality graphics
- Intuitive controls for easy gameplay
- Engaging ghost stories
- Mind-bending puzzle solving
What's New in Version 1.0:
- Initial release (December 17, 2024)