In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a zombie virus, humanity's last stand begins within the confines of an underground fortress. Command a band of survivors who have discovered this subterranean refuge, their escape thwarted by the relentless zombie hordes. From this desperate beginning, a new world order will be forged.
Construct your underground haven, customizing its layout and strategically planning your defenses. Research and upgrade your technology to prepare for the inevitable zombie assaults.
Recruit powerful heroes through scouting expeditions, bolstering your forces with capable warriors rescued from the ravaged surface. Lead them to victory against the undead menace.
Forge strategic alliances to enhance your survival chances. Collaborate with fellow survivors, sharing resources and coordinating defenses against the overwhelming zombie threat. Even in this bleak landscape, solidarity offers a lifeline.
Embark on expeditions to gather vital resources, utilizing the underground subway network for quicker access to supply bases, though this comes at the risk of encountering more zombies. Send your heroes on these perilous journeys to secure the necessities for survival.
Ultimately, engage in real-time battles against hundreds of other players, vying for control of Eden, the sole sanctuary in this shattered world. Under your command, your alliance will fight to establish a new world order, defying the odds and securing humanity's future.
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